maandag 18 februari 2013



- It is a whole new trend, men growing their beards. You either love it or hate it, but you can not get around it! Myself, I like the beard, if it is a nice fully trimmed one, no hobo style looking beard for me ;)
My boyfriend is growing one of his own, which is starting to come about. So I thought to myself let's get him the beard book for valentines day (also our one and a half year anniversary). 
I saw it on, but unfortunately it was sold out ... What a pity. So I went on looking for a point of sale and I found it on a Dutch website, (for the Dutch readers, please do not buy it there! It said on the website it would take 3 days to deliver, which meant it would arrive the 13th, however it got heren on the 16th...well there went my valentines suprise... ARRRGGH!)
But anyway he was really happy with it, has a lot of photographs, very detailed ones and it is just fun to look at the way the models are posing. The photographs are taking by Matthew Rainwaters, who I must give big compliments for this fantastic book! Above some pictures to give you an impression. And as you can see, not only my boyfriend and me are liking it, Jimi does too! ;)

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