dinsdag 16 april 2013



- Today was a lovely day in Amsterdam. The sun was shining and temperatures began to rise. The perfect day for a work-out. Now I am no fan of exercising, but I found a way to do it with fun! 
Last week I bought some roller blades online and today was the perfect day to give them a go!
I decided to go for a sporty outfit. Some light grey skinny jeans from Zara, an orange sweater from primark, on top of that a vintage jeans jacket from Levi's, the necklace I received as a gift and last but not least the roller skates from OTRS which I bought at bol.com
Check out the tree in the pictures above. Hanged with shoes and skateboards, pretty cool.. at Oosterpark (Eastpark Amsterdam)

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Leuke locatie en outfit! Leuk om je gezien te hebben bij Linden & Barbosa :)

